founded in 1897 and published by the Biology Society of Chile

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Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 75 (3): 595-602, 2002
Relative encephalic size and cerebral indices of Vanellus c. chilensis (Aves: Charadriidae)
The quantitative encephalic composition and cerebral indices of Vanellus c. chilensis (southern lapwing ) were analyzed. The percentual volumes and cerebral indices for the whole encephalon and for seven components were calculated as well as relevous nuclei of the trigeminal, visual and acoustic pathways. The component of greater relative volume is the telencephalon. The neostriatum is the most developed encephalic structure. Developing of bulbus olfactorius, striatum, tectum opticum and relevous nuclei of visual and trigeminal pathways are according with the carnivorous diet of Vanellus c. chilensis. The relative size of Wulst and relevous nuclei of acoustic pathway appears associated with the complex tactics used by this species in the defense of nest. Cerebral indices of all the analyzed structures suggest that Vanellus c. chilensis is a progresive bird.
Key words:
Vanellus c. chilensis, neuroanatomy, relative size, ecology, behavior

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