founded in 1897 and published by the Biology Society of Chile

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Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 78 (4): 723-737, 2005
State of the knowledge of north Patagonian wetlands (Argentina): major aspects and importance for regional biodiversity conservation
Almost 5 % of the lansdscape of Patagonia is occupied by wetlands. In the extra-andean region and the patagonian desert, wetlands are essential for sustaining biodiversity and wildlife. Besides, North Patagonian wetlands present complex aquatic communities and provide habitat for threatened species of fishes and amphibians. These ecosystems have complex dynamics mostly driven by climatic fluctuations which make them vulnerable to the effect of climate change. Nowadays, the main impact on patagonian wetland is due to land use, species introduction, and the interaction of these disturbances with climate change. In this paper we summarize geographic, geomorphological and climatic information of several wetlands located in North Patagonia (Argentina). Besides, we present information on aquatic vegetation, fish and amphibian fauna distributions and endemisms with the aim of emphasizing the importance of wetlands to sustain regional biodiversity. Finally, we highlight the processes impacting wetlands at present time and point out the importance of obtaining basic information for management and conservation strategies.
Key words:
wetlands, disturbance, fish, amphibians, Patagonia

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