founded in 1897 and published by the Biology Society of Chile

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Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 80 (4): 493-507, 2007
Marine diatoms from Buenos Aires coastal waters (Argentina). III Potentially harmful genus Asterionellopsis,Cerataulina, Ceratoneis y Leptocylindrus
The present work is devoted to the morphological, taxonomic, and distributional study of the diatom species belonging to the genera Asterionellopsis, Cerataulina, Ceratoneis and Leptocylindrus found in the marine coastal waters of Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. Planktonic samples were collected from November 1994 to September 2000 at San Clemente del Tuyú, Santa Teresita, La Lucila del Mar, Mar de Ajó, Nueva Atlantis, Pinamar and Villa Gesell. Raw and cleaned samples were analysed with light and scanning electron microscopy. Six taxa of the mentioned genera were determined, of which Cerataulina dentata is reported for the first time for Argentina and Leptocylindrus minimus is a new record for the coastal waters of Buenos Aires Province. All the species mentioned as harmful non toxigenic in other geographical areas were found. Cerataulina pelagica, Ceratoneis closterium and Leptocylindrus minimus, occasional members of the plankton in the area always in low densities, were never associated with bloom events. Whereas Asterionellopsis glacialis, usual member of the plankton in the area, has been responsible of the noxious blooms that affected tourism and recreational activities during summer months at this touristic region.
Key words:
diatoms, Asterionellopsis, Cerataulina, Ceratoneis, Leptocylindrus, harmful species

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