founded in 1897 and published by the Biology Society of Chile

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Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 83 (1): 171-184, 2010
LTER and LTSER in Ibero-America: The cases of Mexico and Spain
The profound differences between countries, combined with equally diverse historical, social and cultural contexts enormously complicates the organization of scientific research processes at the regional and global scales. The different member countries of the International Long-Term Ecological Research (ILTER) initiative have created their own networks, taking into account their needs, characteristics and national limitations, but with the vision of participating in a strong way in the international processes. In this article, we present a detailed review of the experience of two Ibero-American countries, Mexico and Spain, in their process of forming LTER networks. These two countries share many cultural similarities, but with some important differences that have determined the specific form that each has designed and implemented for their own networks. We address in both cases the process of conforming national networks in the international context, and at the same time we describe briefly the way that each group has participated in the first effort of the ILTER to coordinate a scientific project at the international level regarding the existing relationships between socio-economic drivers and ecosystem services.
Key words:
Chamela, Doñana, ecosystem services, LTER-España, Mex-LTER

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