founded in 1897 and published by the Biology Society of Chile

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Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 84 (3): 341-355, 2011
Pollen and spores of the Navidad Formation, Neogene from Chile
Palynological assemblages recovered from the Navidad Formation in outcrops of the Cordillera de la Costa, central Chile, are dominated by wood remains, cuticles, spores and pollen grains and fresh water algae (continental elements) with scarce dinoflagellate cysts, acritarchs, foraminiferal linnings marine palynomorphs) indicating that these assemblages would have been accumulated in a marine environment. Spore-pollen assemblages indicate a forest vegetation with the co-existence of Gondwanan (Podocarpaceae, Araucariaceae, Nothofagaceae) and neotropical (Sapotaceae, Malphigiaceae, Arecaceae, Chloranthaceae, Tiliaceae/Bombacaceae) taxa –Mixed Paleoflora– supporting previous assumptions based on the macroflora. On the forest margins, patches of sclerophyllous formations with Anacardiaceae and Fabaceae as prevailing components may have also established. Xerophitic and halophytic shrubbyherbaceous elements (Chenopodiaceae, Calyceraceae) may have developed in sandy soils and costal salt marshes. Endemic components such as Calyceraceae and Asteraceae (Barnadesioideae) were recorded for the first time in Chile. This flora would have developed under warm and humid climatic conditions. The spore-pollen assemblages support a Neogene age for the Navidad Formation.
Key words:
Chile, Neogene, palynology, South America

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